Crafters Corner is like a DREAM COME TRUE.....but truly saying it was not pre planned....it just happened...
Yes its quite shocking to know that it just happened but I think most of the good things happen for no reason as they are planned by someone else for you ....so all thanks to my almighty for this.
Of course all this was impossible without my husband VIKAS MITTAL who is my backbone for everything....
A very special thanks to him .....
Today I want to share the real story behind CRAFTERS CORNER and the person behind this ...yes that's me SHALINI MITTAL.
It's the first time when I am sharing all this so I am very excited and nervous too.....
In 2006 when quilling seemed to be the latest craze in hobbies... I also decided to try my hands in it and so I joined a very small course for the same and started exploring my ideas with whatever products were available at that time for quilling but may be that feeling of having "EVERYTHING AVAILABLE UNDER ONE ROOF" in India started bothering me very soon .....because since childhood I have been in the habit of going into full depth till I explore that to the end....
I happened to search Google like Crazies, and I tried to find all supplies of quilling everywhere in India because I just desperately wanted all the tools so that I could give my hands a lot of new toys to play with.
But all gone in VAIN .....what I could barely find was a few quilling strips, a quilling tool, a quilling crimper, and a quilling tweezer.....rest the supplies seemed to be a "DREAM" to get it here...
Although looking at some foreign websites and their product range in the hobby section I went mad...and what I could understand was that the possibilities were endless and the sky is the limit...
They had so many things which could give life to any project and could enhance it to the next level....which was beyond my imagination...it was a different world altogether and I looked like a HUNGRY CHILD to grab all those....i just wished if they could fly to me immediately...
And there I got a very strong and weird feeling that I want these.....so as a good and intelligent buyer I started looking for the options of getting these with absolutely FREE SHIPPING as they were exorbitantly priced for me.
So the option was to contact my relatives and look for the favor .....and...I did contact quite a few relatives of mine who were residing ABROAD ...I had not spoken to them for years but this was the high time to have some chat ..lol
So I tried my best to have a word with each one of them starting from the ones who stayed near to the company address but sad to say that everybody seemed to have been traveling to India after months to get those for me...And now the problem was who could afford to WAIT FOR SO LONG.. so I decided to try something very different...by using a credit card ...
OMG it was a new thing at that time for me to try on...unlike today where I do order a lot of groceries too online and pay via credit card.. :P
It was a blasting news for my husband to know that I was planning to do some online shopping via card...so next came a convincing session for the same and finally with a lot of effort ....and as a good wife I won .....and it was the time to use the card which was more like a show piece in my wallet for years.....but the tension was super high for me ...but somehow I managed to order some craft supplies along with the ones which I never planned to buy....and the total was huge although it did appear small in DOLLARS and the leftover was covered with the shipping charges....Omg, it looked like a deciding point for me whether to checkout from the site or not BUT as you know who can control shopping after selecting and adding products to the cart...so I clicked.AND PAID....
And the credit card company was super fast to send me a message on my mobile with the total amount which they could even done after my lunch....but anyways.....I still managed for my lunch.
Now the next important step was to take care of credit card monthly statement....but anyhow that was a later stage before that I received my parcel with a super fast delivery in 4 days with a bombarding custom duty which killed me almost ...
Now one more devil was there in front of my eyes in the form of that courier guy but as rightly said Beggars are not Choosers so I decided to pay and go ahead...
Now was the time to cherish the supplies before the card statement comes...and I loved my supplies like anything, after all, they were also not planned to be in my stash.
But I must confess one thing that I was highly shocked to see that how much these craft supplies companies can make our life easier by developing such awesome supplies...
They are so very well planned and researched before they come into the market starting from their structure to material used.....
Awesome is a small word for the same.
But this was not all....now I wanted more stuff like attachments, and its accessories....and what not....???
So there I decided to contact the company for some help if they could offer me some discount but as a good company, they did refuse for such a small amount which was quite understood....
So what next .....now I couldn't afford these supplies anymore at same prices so I dropped the idea for some time...
But meanwhile, I planned to learn the product by heart ( not only quilling...but everything I got) which I had got ...
And I researched a lot and polished myself to the core about the products and after that one fine day somewhere in the year 2008 I decided to start taking classes and then I understood that with these supplies we could do wonders...
So there I decided that now I would get these supplies in bulk and help my students in using these and start stocking these for crazy crafters like me....
And after a few sessions of classes, I got that confidence that now I can call the supplies and people also want them badly ...so there came a stage when I bought the same supplies from the company and ordered my first parcel but to make sure they fall cheaper. I could save some shipping I used a service (name I can't write...but most of the crafters will know ...lol) which barely had any tracking details once it reaches to India and my bad luck in trying to save some pennies ....I lost the parcel .....so here was another shock ...
Anyways that was a big lesson for me to understand that a reliable company and a reliable courier both are equally important...
So that was the turning point for everything and especially for my thought process..... and then I tied up with the best courier companies and got my stuff from reliable courier companies only...and I did receive my parcels every time well on the time with a gift of amazing custom duties...lol...
But that was the starting point of getting supplies for our crafters and after that, there was no looking back.
In the year 2012, 10th July, we opened our website named www.crafterscorner.in and we are very happy and proud to say that now we are the highest and biggest distributors, resellers, and dealers of almost all the leading brands of craft supplies in India....and we are very happy to say that today Crafters Corner is the NO.1 papercraft website which caters to all its customers with best prices, lowest shipping, best services, best brands, best satisfaction, best availability,
best products.....
Right now, Crafters Corner has a store which is 9000sq feet area which caters to maximum wholesale only.
We also have more than 390 brands under one roof which is an achievement with 16000 variety of craft products.
And we are very proud to say that now we manufacture our own line of craft supplies with brand name DRESS MY CRAFT which now expertise in Export too and we are already there in many countries and some very big brand like HEARTFELT CREATIONS and LAWN FAWN also sells our products in USA and other countries..
Under DRESS MY CRAFT, we have more than 3500 products in just two years with products like trimmers, punches, papers etc, etc
Full variety can be seen at www.dressmycraft.com
We also have a team of highly efficient staff along with a strong team for marketing.
We also have a well-trained staff for specialized packaging to make sure that every product reaches to you in the best and safe condition.
We also have a blog where we share a lot of ideas with our customers to give a kick start to their imagination...
You can visit us at http://crafterscornerindia.blogspot.in for amazing inspiration from the best design team we have.
We also run a YouTube channel where our designers present the best DIY methods to learn from.
Check here :
We also have a Facebook page with more than 99000 likes and followers...
Do follow us at www.facebook.com/crafterscornerindia.
On Instagram, we have more than 56000 followers.
You may catch us on :
Follow us on Twitter at :
Our vision is to get each and every craft supply to you at your doorstep with the best prices and services and make crafting super fun for you all.
We are also trying to get the best support system for all the crafters, which will give us all a very big platform for crafting.
We conduct many workshops in our store by calling the best craft teachers from around the country and organizing classes.
That was a little about us.....
Hope you all will keep showering your love and support like this always, and we promise we will never let you down.
Much Love
Shalini Mittal